

Alternatives To Pads And Tampons You Should Think About Trying

Zero Waste Shop by EcoPanda

When it comes to women’s health and hygiene, the menstrual cycle is a considerable aspect to know. Generally, people talk about proper hygiene during periods, diet, and other health parameters. Even discussion on the use of pads, tampons instead of cloth is endless. But nobody thinks of that used pads and tampons disposal.

Have you ever thought of the total amount of waste pads and tampons thrown every day worldwide? Well, there is no such factful calculation over this, but still, there must be a considerable ratio, just over sanitary pads and tampon. However, most of the females worldwide are using other items in periods due to a lack of knowledge, resources, and economic status.

Alternatives To Pads And Tampons You Should Think About Trying Menstrual Cups Sanitary Pads

Today will be discussing the reliable alternatives to pads and tampons, to manage menstrual flow and hygiene.

The significant and excellent alternatives to pads and tampons for females

Well, females commonly have their personalized strategies to handle their monthly cycle and bleeding during the period. It even crucially depends on the resources, cultural and educational status, availability of money, or social pressure as well. But still, we are highlighting some excellent substitutes for pads and tampons below.

Menstrual sponges

Sounds pretty amazing, isn’t it? Indeed, the invention of sponges to use during periods is getting quite popular these days. These are basically natural sponges that originate in oceans and are non-toxic. In fact, these ocean sponges are bio-degradable and non-chemical based products that are useful in periods to maintain flow and hygiene. 

Such sponges are even free from chlorine, dyes, fragrances, and other synthetic materials. Furthermore, you can use these menstrual spongs up to six months as growing naturally. You can simply cut them according to the shape and size of your need, so they are even easy to customize.

Period panties

The use of period panties is a trend that is getting famous. With such period-proof panties, you need to wear pads or tampons. Even these panties won’t make you feel like wearing a diaper. However, you can just wear these under panties when you think your period flow is lighter or even if you think your date is near. 

Wearing periods-proof panties actually can hold the flow of worth two tampons, within great comfort and hygiene in travel, gym, etc. The unitard bodysuits are also designed that give relax while yoga, dance, hiking as can hold the half cup of the tampon.

Menstrual cup

These days within the advancement of period’s items has introduced menstrual cup among females. Do you know what these cups made of are? Well, they are made up of silicone or intoxicated rubber material. Earlier, the myth of pain with fear of stucking into the vagina was a considerable drawback. But today the popularity and use are increased. 

You just need to insert this menstrual cup inside the vagina to control the blood flow into it. In fact, these are reusable, so you can simply take them out from the vagina and rinse. Women are finding these period flow cups economical, useful, safer, and even eco-friendly. It also lowers the risk of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).

Alternatives To Pads And Tampons You Should Think About Trying Menstrual Cup

Dispose of the menstrual used wastes by women worldwide

The appropriate disposal of used material during periods is considerably missing globally. Most of the women, whether using pads, tampons, cups, cloth, etc. are not aware of the right technique to dispose of them.

The lack of knowledge and mismanagement with such hygiene issues are never taught openly in many regions of the world. Thus, leading to many deadly diseases, bacterias, viruses, and even pollution in the environment.

Generally women, just bin their period waste in the domestic bin, even can be seen on roads, garbage dumping areas openly. In nations like India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Africa, and more, lack of toilets is also an aspect to bin sanitary pads or cloth openly.

However, in rural areas of many parts of the world, especially African and Asian countries, women reuse the piece of cloth for months and even wash and dry them in the sun. The adverse is when they do not use sanitary pads, tampons, etc., that critically harm their health.

Moreover, flushing in toilets, packing them, and dumping in the garbage, is somewhat commonly done by females. In fact, the burning of waste is also a measure used by females in many under-developed nations of the world. This all misunderstood parameters of handling and disposing of menstrual waste are due to lack of knowledge and open talks.

However, many NGO’s on women health and environmental benefit now have started debating over this menstrual waste disposal. Ignorance and privacy to talk about periods, women’s health even in educational centres is also a significant drawback.

Alternatives To Pads And Tampons You Should Think About Trying Menstrual Cups

Harmful consequences about the periods waste mismanagement

The lack of awareness to bin sanitary waste is common, but still, for the time being, solution, women just flush their pads, tampons, napkins into toilets. This is precisely not a permanent measure, as sanitation system; designed for urinal and faeces only. As a fact, such disposing of menstrual waste can block the sewage pipelines, even can backflow the waste in toilets.

It is estimated that a single sanitary pad takes a year to decompose but not a plastic lining it holds. Dumping them in the toilets is even harmful to health when it backflow the waste. Throwing them openly in waste dispose of yards, dustbins, is even more dangerous. Wrapping and dumping is, however, a more significant and safe solution.

In fact, if you bury your used sanitary waste products in soil, the chemicals, plastics, and bleaches (organochlorines) can damage the quality of the land. Burning of such waste can cause harmful gases so promote air pollution. Breeding of germs and micro-bacterias even dump in water is critically dangerous.

Bottom line

Thus better is to use pads that are easily degradable, even are recyclable after a cleaning treatment. Many sanitary pads companies are precisely working to make the proper management of such waste by packing a separate trash pouch to pack used pad. Even more progressive and preventive measures are still waiting to debate openly among women, especially in under-developed nations.

Zero Waste Shop by EcoPanda

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