

Was ist ein Leben ohne Verschwendung?

Zero Waste Shop by EcoPanda

Lifestyle is one of the most important aspect for human life. Lifestyle not only impacts human himself or herself but also it impacts the society as a whole. The resources we use everyday, impacts the whole environment. If the usage of resources continue, there will be a dearth of resources for future generation to come. May be the resources will not exhausted at once but the cost of availing the resources will rise to a high price. Like the cost of fuel is increasing decade by decade if you see the chart. Likewise, if we can modify our life style to a sustainable one where we produce waste products very less, then, it will be a long term betterment for our society and environment.

Those it is our responsibility to reduce waste at personal level and there is no need to blame the government and the society at large. Therefore if you can do something from your end, it will be the best measure against producing more waste and reducing the resources for the future generations.

The biggest question is how to lead Zero Waste Living?

Use Reusable Products

There are lots of reusable products available in the market. It includes reusable cotton pads, reusable containers, reusable bags, etc. If you use reusable products everyday, there is no need of buying those products from the market on a daily basis. This saves you a lot of money! Now if many people does the same thing, then, there will be a positive effect on the environment as the resource will not be wasted and will be utilized less and hence there will be more resources available for future generations. Ultimately due to the abundant availability of resources, the cost of the products will become lesser and our affordability to buy products from the market will be significantly higher. 

So, you can understand how important this is. But the only difficult thing is that to make everyone or most people to realize the above formula.

Utilize Your Food Wisely

Zero Waste Living also includes the wastage of food that is very common. Consider any occasion or party, you can easily find a lot of food gone to waste. Every single day, in each family, there is wastage of food. If you can wisely cook foods you can save them a lot. You may think the cost of the foods are not so much. But the reality is that the food is not costly in terms of money but you can realize the cost of the food when you will know how many children die every year due to starvation. So, cooking judiciously and donating unused food to charity or to poor, are some of the good ideas of humanity and in this way, you can reduce a lot of waste, especially organic wastes. Actually, the same goes for clothing. You can also donate those clothes which are of no use to you. Sharing clothes with sisters and brothers will also reduce useless wastes generation.

Judicious Use of Resources

One of the important pillars of Zero Waste Living is using any resource very wisely. For example, if you power wisely and do not waste it, there will be less need of power generation and power plants will generate less power according to the demand and hence there will be less production of wastes from power plants and the resources will also be saved, if in case it is non renewable energy. But it needs a good habit of doing this. Most of the people are used to waste power uselessly and the whole society suffers. Wise use of power generation will eventually reduce your expenditure in the long run. 

To understand Zero Waste Living, you need to understand the above three points very clearly. The present challenges that we face now can all be solved by adopting Zero Waste Living. Everyone must understand what is Zero Waste Living and realize the need. The awareness and education is one of the biggest points of making the culture of Zero Waste Living a habit. We should unite among ourselves and come together to bring a new culture of life style by reducing the production of wastes in our everyday life.

Zero Waste Shop by EcoPanda

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