The advancement and growth in the spectrum of technology and other fields have made our life comfortable and luxurious. In fact, humans never thought, this smart development will critically and adversely affect the entire environment. The rapid increases in population have to lead to the demand of the more urban world, and this precisely puts pressure on the ecosystem.
Indeed, the negative side of the advance technology and development is the exploitation of the environment. Even the waste generated within technology fails to decompose and damage naturally without creating any pollution.
In the endless debate over development and growth, the overall breakdown is faced only by the environment with no time to recover and replenishment. In this specific article, we will be highlighting on types of waste and related preventive outcomes. But prior is to know What Is Biodegradable And Non-Biodegradable substances.
The Common Difference Between Biodegradable And Non-Biodegradable Substances
Those substances that easily and naturally breakdown or degrades in the environment without ant adverse impact are known as Biodegradable Elements. However, those substances that do not easily or even never degrade naturally are considerable as Non-Biodegradable substances. In fact, these non-degrading elements are harmful to the ecosystem and make toxic surroundings.
For instance, materials such as flora, fauna, feces, waste from papers, vegetables, wood, fruits are categorized as Biodegradable. Human-made materials such as rubber, plastic, chemicals, synthetic paints, are in the list of Non-Biodegradable substances.
Whether you are using biodegradable substances or non-biodegradable substances, all such effects sun, water, land, and air. The difference is biodegradable when degrades never generates toxic substances. However, non-biodegradable materials cause pollution and intoxication if dump and degrade without proper disposal of management.
What Is Biodegradable Waste?
The waste originates from biodegradable sources such as plants and animals and degrades naturally by living organisms; Biodegradable Wastes. These wastes include green garbage, food waste, paper waste, and bio-degradable plastics. It also contains human waste, municipal sewage, slaughterhouse garbage, organic manures, etc.
What Is Non-Biodegradable Waste?
The junk and waste material that never decompose or degrade naturally; Non-Biodegradable Wastes. Such rubbish materials include inorganic substances like plastic, rubber, chemicals, synthetic wastes, etc. However, these non-degradable waste can be reused after the treatment of recycling.
Does Both Kind Of Waste Cause Pollution That Adversely Affect The Environment?
Everything in the universe has both advantages and disadvantages; however, it can be critically short or long term. The pollution and adverse effects of both biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste are detailed below.
Harmful Effects Of Biodegradable Waste
Generally, people think that waste generated from biodegradable materials never causes pollution and decomposes easily. But this is a myth because the decomposing process that is biological in biodegradable waste also leads to short-term pollution. The disturbing and damaging effects on the ecosystem from biodegradable waste are:
- The lead to the germination of bacterias, viruses, micro-organism, that over through the process of decomposing organically. It crucially causes many infectious diseases and new kinds of illnesses too. Such complexity not only affects humans but other species of both plants and animals as well.
- It promotes the growth of foul smell, which affects fresh air and the overall environment.
- The gases released during the natural organic process are quite toxic that majorly contributes to greenhouse gases.
- The breeding of germs, flies, mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches, etc. also get increased that are prone to health.
Harmful Effects Of Non-Biodegradable Waste
So crucial to understand the sophisticated use and decompose of non-biodegradable materials. As waste generated from human-made non-degradable substance either takes millions of years to decompose naturally or need smart recycling treatment. But in both cases cause a massive amount of pollution and intoxicated elements. The disturbing and damaging effects on the environment from non-biodegradable waste are:
- The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (D.D.T) makes the soil acidic and alkaline and lowers the level of fertility. Such acidic soil, when blown with wind or runoff due to water, also increase the risk of water and air pollution.
- The use of synthetic and chemical-based substances disturbed marine species to a large extent and promoted eutrophication.
- The extreme use of fertilizers, DDT pesticides, and chemicals also make food toxic, when consumed by humans, leads to deadly health issues. The risk of cancer cells, heart issues, kidney failures, stones in the gall bladder, etc. also affected due to eating such intoxicated food items.
- The degrading of rubber and plastic with or without recycling plants always cause toxic gases, poisonous salts, greasy oils, and chemical substances.
The Rate Of Decomposition Of Both Biodegradable And Non-Biodegradable Waste
Usually, the waste generated from bio-degradable materials decomposes at a slower rate, which takes a few days or months. Whereas, non-biodegradable substances either do not break down or decompose even takes millions of years.
The decomposition process of non-biodegradable substances is even not surly estimated by environmental experts. Following the list of decomposition taken by different materials is below:
Plastic Waste
Plastic waste is of many types, but on average, it takes too long a span. The rough claiming says that a single plastic bag takes 10-1,000 years to decompose completely. However, waste plastic water bottle takes 450 years even more. Thus, such plastic waste is more recycled and reuse.
Disposable Diapers And Sanitary Pads
The average decomposes of disposable diapers pads is in between 250-500 years. So more good is to treat them in hygiene plants for recycling and reusing. But sanitary pads take almost 500-800 years for complete decomposition.
Aluminum Cans And Boxes
The complete decomposition of aluminium cans or boxes takes almost 80-200 years. Better is to reuse and recycle them, as it a quality substitute of metal.
Reuse of glass is easy by melting and making it not, but still, complete decomposition of it takes millions of years. However, some research also claims that it never gets decomposed in landfills.
Paper Waste
Paper waste and cardboard boxes are easy to recycle and reuse. It even takes 2-6 months on average decomposition in landfills.
Food Waste
The peel-off from vegetables and fruits takes different decomposition time. Usually, orange peel takes six months, apple core or skin of bananas, papaya, mango takes one 1-month.
Other Decomposition Of Waste Takes Time
1. Cigarettes Butts: 10-12 years
2. Rubber soles of boots: 50-80 years
3. Leather shoes: 25-40 years
4. Milk cartons and tetra packages: 5 years
5. Plywood: 3-4 years
6. Painted ply and boards: 13 years
7. Cotton gloves: 3-5 months
8. Nylon fabric: 35-40 years
9. Used batteries: 100 years
10. Wool fabric or clothing: 1-5 years
Final Thoughts
As precisely, our planet is getting affected by a lot of pollutions and intoxicating substances. The use and decomposition of biodegradable and non-biodegradable both lead to a certain amount of harm to the environment.
The best and preventive measure is to use easy recycling and quick decomposing materials in everyday life. This crucial step will lower the risk of pollution and also promote a healthy ecosystem for the whole planet.